Wormhead - Hailing from Germany, this is the product of a great guy called Wayne who does so many small and big musical projects from Burt (look out for a future post) to running Puzzle Records. This was my first tape i put out and it was fantastic collect of noise/drone material. So turn the lights off and put on your headphones and take a trip to the darkside.
Wormhead Myspace
Wormhead Tape

Somebody's Kid - Post hardcore/punk/noise from this small jam band from London. Not really a band as such as they just meet up to play some jams, but the results are incredible. Juggling all kinds of genres like a drunk clown at a birthday party this is a great listen.
Somebody's Kid Tape

I Killed Techno - Electro/pop/punk from Texas Yeeehaww! This was a little something different from IKT as he starting experimenting into the evil world of electro noise. The whole album is just one track with each song merging into the next. Great stuff.
I Killed Techno Myspace
I Killed Techno Tape

ZX Tapes Comp Tape Volume 1 - This took a while to put together but was well worth it and sold out rather fast. Here's a list of the bands that were involved:
Joint Chiefs of Math - http://www.myspace.com/thejointchiefsofmath
Swim Ignorant Fire - http://www.myspace.com/swimignorantfire
Slapendehonden - http://www.myspace.com/slapendehonden
Negative Neutron - http://www.myspace.com/negativeneutron
Granny Frost - http://www.myspace.com/tintedwindowstothesoul
Anisette - http://www.myspace.com/anisettemusic
Henry Fonda - http://www.myspace.com/henryfondapowerviolence
Paregorik - http://www.myspace.com/paregorik
Velma and the happy campers - http://www.myspace.com/velmaandthehappycampers
Cantank - http://www.myspace.com/cantanksucks
Staplemouth - http://www.myspace.com/bigstapemezzy
Paradise - http://www.myspace.com/paradisedays
ZX Tapes Comp Tape Vol 1

xHaroldshitmanx/Wheelchair,Wheelchair,Wheelchair,Wheelchair Split Tape - Bored of bland,generic punk/thrash music....Well get this in you! Both bands from the sunny climates of Scotland pushing out fast,angry and pissed off Powerviolence/thrash tunes that will make your head spin. This tape was sold out with in 4 days so here's your chance to grab it for free!!!
xHaroldshitmanx Myspace
Wheelchairx4 Myspace
xHaroldshitmanx/Wheelchairx4 Split tape
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