Saturday, 2 January 2010

Age Sixteen

Now im sure by now alot of you guys and girls have heard of this lot by now and if not then shame on you! Pushing out their brand of emo for just over a year or so now they have been doing some serious heavy duty touring in America building up their profile. A few months ago they released their first album Open Up Finders, Please onto Cd and tape. But we shall go all the way back to the beginning with their first Cdr demo. I was lucky enough to grab copy number 33/100 and it automatically made something in my pants say "hello". The tracks were rerecorded for the album but i think they sound dirtier and better in demo form!


2008 Demo

The Afternoon Gentlemen

Nail down the hatches as here come The Afternoon Gentlemen. Brutal fast paced kids from Leeds mixing up the best points of Grindcore and Powerviolence and ending up with something truly awesome. If Satan wanted to play some evil assed hardcore he would prolly do backing vocals for these guys, that's just how good they are. Now listen up as they are doing a handful of gigs around the uk this month (See tour pic below) playing with other great bands as Sex Dungeon, Cryptic Salve Band and Dunce Water. And they will also be playing at the Bloodshed Festival in October AND also playing with the likes of Eyehategod and Jesus Crost in April and March respectively, so these guys are going to be around alot this year so get the Tracks below from their European Fatness Split CD and get on board!

They have a 7" due out on the 18th of January and will have some new tee's ready for their tour!!!

Tour Poster: (click to enlarge)


European Fatness


NERDVIOLENCE!!! Fast pissed off hardcore that punches you in your stupid jock face!



New Madrid Faults

I was so happy when these kids said i could put them on here. Wonderful and epic shoe gazey kind of tunes that wrap around you and submerse you into a world that warms your heart. Each track has an indivdual voice that whispers sweet nothings into your ears using a whole collection of instruments that create a wall of sound that is impossible to avoid. They really are that good.


Concerning Small Town Aberration


Great indie music from Rochester, New York. Heard about these guys/girl a while ago when checking out Whale Plane and heard the brilliant track Little Ghosts and i was hooked straight away. Beautifully played guitars and sublime female vocals with pop beats make it all so additive. So here is the first release and hope there is more to come soon.


Dammed if We Do

I Killed Techno!

Here's the latest EP from I Killed Techno! The digi punk kid throwing his hand at digi violence. Fast electro digi music. The tracks are short, noisy and pretty darn good. Just put out today so thanks to IKT for letting me put it up.


HAHA Powerviolence, Naw This is Digiviolence

Monster Island

Stumbling through their songs like a crazed drunkard with a heavy accent telling you wonderful stories of the universe then this is the Island of which they live. Great music that bounces along at a nice pace with the said vocals over the top then this would be a great addition to your new years play list. I got to play with these fellows last year and they were so good, no sound check just went on and played their set and left me gob smacked. Great Tunes, great guys, Monster Island.


The Anchor