So i am proud to announce this is the latest tape from my wee label
ZX Tapes. Crushing fast and super heavy straightedge powerviolence that leaves you breathless and ready for war! The recording of this is top notch and fucking loud and gives you a feel for the passion and power of this great band.
This tape is limited to 40-50 copies and will cost 5 Dollars (US), 3 Euros, 2.50 (UK) So message me on my myspace page for payment details! Hurry up they are going quick!
You Suck Myspace - Check out Typical as it is the first track off the tape.
ZX Tapes MyspaceAnd for a little treat for you all here is You Suck's first ever gig on film for you all to enjoy! -
You Suck First GigSo come by and grab a tape!!